New Express M60 Bus Makes Getting To LaGuardia A Lot Less Awful
Starting today, getting to LaGuardia Airport becomes less of a potential for an “I Survived” scare piece (mine involved waiting in a 40-person line in the dark, in the rain as a college freshman in a particularly unfriendly intersection the day before Thanksgiving 2010), thanks to the debut of an M60 Select Bus Service—you know, the ones with the blue lights that are surprisingly super clean and operate on the honor system—that will run from LaGuardia Airport to 106th St and Broadway in Manhattan.
The addition of the SBS will decrease travel times by 20% along the M60 route, according to today’s press release, and is the seventh SBS line in the city.
Even for those who don’t live in Manhattan or Queens (i.e. you, probably), the updates will mean fewer bus stops after taking the subway to LaGuardia. Just make sure to pay your fare at the little booths before entering the bus—it costs the same as the normal kind and is included as a transfer if you’re coming from the train, but you will get fined, should a police officer board and find you without a ticket.
Here’s the route map:
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