Vice Expanding Into Vacated Beacon’s Closet Space
It’s long been suspected that the head honchos at the day-to-day version of Fear and Loathing Vice were eyeing the space recently vacated by Beacon’s Closet, but now we have confirmation that they’re officially going through with an expansion.
The news comes via Bedford + Bowery. In order to accommodate their growing staff, Vice has taken over the $60 per square foot space formerly occupied by the priced-out clothing store and already construction is underway. An official move-in date is unknown.
This shouldn’t come as a surprise. It’s a well-known fact that Vice is a billion dollar standout among its long-suffering peers. And just last month Bloomberg Businessweek took the time to not-so-wildly speculate about a Vice IPO and what it could mean for the media company.
“We’d be stupid not to test what the market would bear,” CEO and co-founder Shane Smith told Bloomberg TV. “There’s a lot of money sloshing around in the system. Obviously, valuations are high.”
Well, we’re just glad all that money will be “sloshing around” in Brooklyn for the foreseeable future.
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