Let’s Judge Abbi Jacobson’s New Book By Its Cover!
Previously we told you that the very funny person and Broad City co-creator Abbi Jacobson has another book on the way (following her two adult coloring books) called Carry This Book, in which, via line illustrations, Jacobson asks a fundamental question about human nature: what do the material goods in our lives—and things in our bags—say about us? Can they reveal our deep desires and unearth habits and preferences, or insecurities that we think we’re hiding because they’re inside a big pouch?
Viking will release the book on October 11 (though it is available for pre-order now). As before, we still don’t know too much about what’s inside—which is fitting, because it’s just like the hidden nature of all the stuff she talks about. However, Viking just released an image of the cover.
So now, in addition to the fact that we know Jacobson will be illustrating the items, both real and imaginary, found in the bags of famous people, alive and dead—Oprah, Donald Trump, Amelia Earhart, Martha Stewart, Michelle Obama, Bernie Madoff (who I suppose is kind of hybrid of alive and dead)—to consider this question, we can make a few more guesses about what she has in store for us.
For example, we might be considering how many homes and cars Oprah owns, per the key chain above; or the love life of Martha Stewart, who, possibly, is the author of the list of pros and cons of an unnamed male, who is good at sex and is a Taurus. We also might be finding out that Donald Trump carries a boat load of Trojan Condoms because, despite the fact that he’s married, he has strange ideas about the way things are done. Who knows. The possibilities are endless, but now we’ve got a little bit more to keep us guessing and excited, until October 11.