The Boobie Trap Opens Pizza Party Bar Across the Street
We at Brooklyn Magazine are on record as being fans of both Bushwick’s whimsical boob-themed bar Boobie Trap and all things pizza. The Boobie Trap is one of the best new bars that’s opened in the borough in recent memory: cheap drinks, a fun atmosphere, and a sort of giddiness that can only come from silly boob decor. So what better news can there be that the proprietors of that fine watering hole have opened up another pizza-themed bar and restaurant just adjacent from the Trap?
Yes! It’s true. And the best part is that by the time you’re reading this, the bar is already open. What it features, according to DNA Info: leopard-print booths, a Super Mario Bros. mural, action figures, and games like tic-tac-toe on the tables. Plus, of course, pizza. They’ll also over brunch and delivery, and a special that includes both aspirin and Gatorade. We know what we’ll be doing this weekend.