“Mazel Tough” Takes Inpiration from New York’s Jewish Gangsters

“The entire affair read like a Hollywood script,” Hamou told me. “The reason this project fascinated me so much was that it was really a short period of time of activity, only 40 years. But it really was a reflection of its time and the immigrant experience.”
Many of the gangsters, Hamou notes, arrived to the Unites States as young children and came from poor backgrounds. Their underground networks were a way to move up the ladder. “For many of the leaders of the Jewish gangs it was really a step towards a better life for their next generation, and they were adamant that their sons and daughters continued their education and make a life for themselves,” Hamou said. “There was no family linage of crime like many of the Italian mobs. By 1940 and the arrests of many of the Jews involved in the crackdown of Murder, Inc. It really marked the end of that era on a wide scale.”