Junior’s Stays Put, Crushes Developers’ Dreams
Put down your pitchforks and unpack your bags, cancel your one-way flights to Detroit, everyone: Junior’s Restaurant is not becoming a towering assemblage of glass and steel and dudes who work at Morgan Stanley.
The owner of Junior’s and its building, Alan Rosen, has taken the site off the market, despite a $45 million offer (which would not have included Junior’s on the ground floor). Rosen is the third generation in his family to own and operate Junior’s Restaurant, which opened at the corner of Flatbush and DeKalb more than 60 years ago, in 1950. Junior’s staying put is the best sort of news in a neighborhood and in a borough that still seem destined to go to condos in a CitiBike basket, and we hope they’ll be around for another 60 years.
By then, of course, Junior’s Restaurant may look like this, but I’ll still be there, eating an entire cheesecake between the Equinox and the Lulelemon.
Follow John Sherman on Twitter @_john_sherman.