You Might Want To Start Looking For A Summer Job Like, Now
We come bearing mostly good news and (kinda) bad news about that summer job you’re currently dreaming about: This year, employers will be hiring in greater numbers and will even pay you more to do them. The bad news? You might wanna get on that, like now.
According to a survey released today by Snagajob, 74% of employers in the retail, hospitality and food service industries plan to hire summer employees. What’s more, the hourly wages of the workers will average at above the proposed federal minimum wage ($10.19 for Northeasterners).
The news arrives in tandem with word that overall unemployment is decreasing as 13% of employers plan to increase hiring, the highest rate since the recession.
The survey also suggests that those planning to apply for summer jobs do so ASAP: 74% of employers plan to fill their open positions by the end of May, and 7% have already filled them. (Who and where are these crazies that have already applied for and got offered summer jobs?! It practically snowed last week!!)
We’ll leave you with these tidbits of advice from summer employers: First and foremost, be fun! 42% said that having a sunny outlook was the most important characteristic they looked for in summer workers, followed by, you know, the ability to show up and work the scheduled hours. Rounding out the list: plain ol’ experience and a commitment to stay through the whole summer. Hey, you never know—maybe this year, teens won’t be shitting in McCarren Pool because they can’t find jobs.
Follow Rebecca Jennings on Twitter @rebexxxxa.