At Home with Filmmaker/Comedian Carlen Altman

Carlen Altman lives in a bustling, predominantly Polish section of Greenpoint. And in keeping with her neighborhood’s vibrant spirit, she’s as eclectic as they come. Jewelry designer, filmmaker, stand-up comedian (she’s currently opening for Curb Your Enthusiasm’s Jeff Garlin)… Altman’s a bona fide Renaissance woman. Her small, cozy apartment is no different: her bed’s draped with old-timey lace curtains, a scented candle burns beside a fur-lined chair, and her rabbit, Goblin, roams free.
Born and raised on the Upper West Side, Altman moved to Brooklyn in 2005 and has been making the most of it ever since. Her mom, for instance, now lives in Brighton Beach, and the two held an art show at a salt marsh in Jamaica Bay. “Most young people move to Brooklyn and only think of Williamsburg and Bedford Avenue, but it’s so big and diverse,” she says. “My advice is to just hop on the F train and get off anywhere.”