Here’s the Joke that Won April Fools’ Day on the Internet
Sometimes people forget it’s April Fools’ Day. That’s understandable, but all the more so when a joke is unleashed into the wilds of the Internet that contains two of the buzziest buzz words currently in the media: Hamilton and Trump.
Yes, our friends over at Brokelyn have outdone themselves today by advertising that, starting this morning, you could score one of 7,000 tickets available to see the best musical ever created, for free, this summer in Prospect Park; that the whole cast will perform it (only, not in full costume! wigs are too hot!); and that it’s part of the Park’s annual Broadway in the Park series, on August 27.
Only catch is, they said, you gotta use a telephone to make this happen—that’s right, you must actually dial a number to get these free tickets. The idea being, the great efforts of those who want them most will be rewarded.
Once you’re connected to the number listed, just follow the prompts to get the hottest free tickets in history—but do this immediately! Because, as we all know, the only other way to see Hamilton is via a lottery, which is basically impossible to win. But it’s only then that Brokelyn dropped a clue you’re about to be suckered; the only thing that is a little less difficult than securing Hamilton tickets, they say, is the likelihood that Donald Trump will become president. Hm, kind of a strange comparison, but sounds about right we hope.
The problem is, you don’t even really read that part! Because your brain just short circuited when your eyes saw the words “free,” “Hamilton,” and “tickets” in the same sentence. And so you also forgot it was April Fools’ Day as you concentrated on securing the happiest day of your life, when, at last, you will see Lin-Manuel Miranda drop rhymes about the founding of our country. And just when you believe that sweet moment is yours, voice of Donald Trump Campaign Headquarters greets you on the other end.
Hahahahahahahaha. Brokelyn, you evil wonderful people. This is so much better than Google’s Drop Mic button prank, which actually caused real harm to some people, who appear to have lost a job or two over using it today. Whereas you didn’t cause any harm beyond subjecting thousands of salivating theater lovers to Donald Trump Campaign Headquarter voice (upsetting, but not ultimately fatal), and you won the Internet.
So, way to go: with this, you have made America great, I mean funny again.