5 Questions With: Yvette
“5 Questions With” is a series spotlighting some of Brooklyn’s most exciting and influential creatives. (You can explore our archive of picks here.)
YVETTE have been described as a band that “sounds like an army,” but in reality it’s just two guys: Noah and Dale. Together, these two guys make noisy, arty, highly aggressive industrial-punk music. The true way to absorb (and slowly deafen yourself with) their tunes is live: catch them at Hopscotch Festival this Thursday or at Glasslands on October 18, when they’ll be opening for Xiu Xiu. More tour dates here. Their top Brooklyn picks are, as always, after the jump.
Record you’ve listened to most in your life: My Bloody Valentine’s Loveless, played back at about 3/4 speed. Either that or Todd Rundgren’s A Wizard, A True Star.
Up-and-coming Brooklyn-based band to look out for: Courtship Ritual. They’re also part of GODMODE. They often remind me of a darker Cocteau Twins.
Fave place to see a show: Death By Audio. It just feels right. Special things happen there, and the sound system is solid for a space of that size. Long live Death By Audio.
Fave bar: Maracuja‘s the first one that comes to mind. The vibe is easy and the crowd there usually doesn’t suck.
Go-to drink: Ideally: something involving whiskey. Realistically: water.