There’s A War On Rats And The Rats Are Winning
Due to a two-to-one numbers advantage and the fact that they’re incredibly small (in comparison, anyway) and very good at hiding, the estimated 16 million rats in New York City are currently winning the ongoing War on Them. In response, certain humans are reportedly launching a program next month to even the score.
Specifically, humans employed by the city will hire nine new inspectors to the current team of 45 and allocate $611,000 to “work with neighborhood associations, community boards, elected officials and building owners to plug up holes and put poison in rodent tunnels,” beginning in July. The program will focus in the most heavily infested neighborhoods, including Washington Heights, Chinatown, the Lower East Side, the South Bronx and West Harlem. While you may be wondering why this is newsworthy as none of these places involve Brooklyn, may we remind you that we have just informed you that you do not live in one of the most heavily infested neighborhoods in New York City and that, dear reader, should be reason enough.
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