The 100 Greatest Brooklynites of All Time: 5 to 1

Here they are, the last five great Brooklynites in our exhaustive (and exhausting) list; a list that has featured athletes, politicians, singers, actors, writers, bridge builders… even a hot-dog maker. We learned a lot in putting this together (everybody important used to live in Midwood), and hope you enjoyed it.
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Two: 90 to 81
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Three: 80 to 71
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Four: 70 to 61
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Five: 60 to 51
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Six: 50 to 41
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Five: 40 to 31
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Six: 30 to 21
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Seven: 20-11
100 Greatest Brooklynites, Part Eight: 10-6